According to the World Bank, the Sub-Saharan region is the only region in the world where the number of people without access to water is growing. This is exacerbated by the low investment, rapid urbanization and adverse effects of climate change that continue to cause havoc on rain patterns and water supplies. To reverse this trend, there is urgent need to marshal resources for the development of frameworks that will enhance the development and delivery of innovative and efficient water production, storage, transmission and distribution models to address this challenge.
Governments can leverage effective collaboration with the private sector through Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) to achieve this milestone. Unfortunately, most water projects are unattractive to private sector investors unless they are properly thought out, structured and implemented.
This 5-day action-based training will equip public and private sector players from across Africa with practical knowledge and skills on how to identify, effectively structure and package their water projects to make them palatable to private sector investments. Besides taking the participants to visit a mega water project in Kenya, the training will showcase emerging financing solutions for water projects while connecting participants to potential partners in the water sector.

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Expression of interest:

Register to join the growing family of infrastructure financing experts.